Source code for dit.algorithms.lattice

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Some algorithms related to lattices.

Here we are concerned with determining random variable induced sigma-algebras.
That is, we want to know the subsigma-algebra (of the underlying sigma-algebra)
that corresponds to a random variable. However, we consider only those random
variables that map outcomes in the underlying sigma-algebra to a projection of
that outcome. For example, if an outcome in the underlying sigma-algebra is
(1,2,3), then random variable `X_1` would take on the value (2,) and the joint
random variable `X_0,X_2` has the value (1,2). By considering all possible
induced sigma-algebras, we are equivalently considering all possible partitions
of the sample space.

Relationship to Intersection Information based on Common Randomness
In general, the meet and join operators are defined with respect to information
equivalence, which in turn, derives from the notions of informationally
richer/poorer. In this module, richer and poorer correspond to refinements and
coarsenings of the sample space and thus, depend explicitly on the structure
of the underlying sigma-algebra.

As an example, consider the r.v.s. X and Y, where X = 1 and Y = X with p=1 and
Y = 0 with p=0. There is a sense in X and Y have the same distribution. However,
X and Y are not informationally equivalent as there is a function f such that
X = f(Y) where f maps 0 and 1 to 1, but not the other way around. One imagines
X as the coarsest possible partition of the sample space, whereas Y is a
refinement. To wit, the sample space is {10,11} with p(10) = 0 and p(11) = 1.
Then X corresponds to the partition: {(10, 11)} while Y is {(10,), (11,)}.

In [1], richer and poorer are defined in terms of probability almost surely.
That is, X is informationally poorer than Y if X = f(Y) almost surely.  This
means that the definition is not as sensitive to the structure of the
underlying sigma-algebra. In the above example, X and Y are now informationally
equivalent, even though Y is a refinement of the partition corresponding to X.

In general, there is a trend that coarser partitions correspond to
informationally poorer random variables (but due to the partial ordering, not
all partitions are comparable to one another).  In [1], a (comparable) coarser
partition is only poorer if the coarsening involves outcomes with nonzero
probability. Said another way, a r.v. that corresponds to a refinement of
another r.v. is informationally richer only if it refines outcomes which have
nonzero probability.

If the behavior of [1] is desired, one must make sure to prune the sample space
of any outcomes that have zero probability. Then, the implementation here will
give the same results as [1].

[1] "Intersection Information based on Common Randomness"

from collections import defaultdict

from six.moves import map, range, zip # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin

import dit
from ..helpers import parse_rvs, RV_MODES
from ..math import sigma_algebra, atom_set
from ..utils import quasilexico_key

def sigma_algebra_sort(sigalg):
    Put the sigma algebra in quasi-lexicographical order.
    sigalg = [tuple(sorted(cet)) for cet in sigalg]
    return sigalg

def induced_sigalg(dist, rvs, rv_mode=None):
    Returns the induced sigma-algebra of the random variable defined by `rvs`.

    dist : Distribution
        The distribution which defines the base sigma-algebra.
    rvs : list
        The indexes of the random variable used to calculate the induced
        sigma algebra.
    rv_mode : str, None
        Specifies how to interpret the elements of `rvs`. Valid options are:
        {'indices', 'names'}. If equal to 'indices', then the elements of
        `rvs` are interpreted as random variable indices. If equal to 'names',
        the the elements are interpreted as random variable names. If `None`,
        then the value of `dist._rv_mode` is consulted.

    F : frozenset of frozensets
        The induced sigma-algebra.

    # This is brute force and ugly.
    # Implementation:
    #   1) Find induced atoms from atoms of new sigma-algebra:
    #           X^{-1}(A) = { w : X(w) \in A }
    #       where A = \{a\} and a is a nonzero outcome in the marginal.
    #   2) Generate sigma algebra from induced atoms.
    # Step 2 may not be necessary.
    indexes = parse_rvs(dist, rvs, rv_mode=rv_mode, unique=True, sort=True)[1]

    # This creates a mapping from new outcomes (defined by rvs) to the
    # original outcomes which map to those new outcomes. This defines a
    # partition of the original outcomes.
    d = defaultdict(list)
    ctor = dist._outcome_ctor
    for outcome, _ in dist.zipped(mode='atoms'):
        # Build a list of inner outcomes. "c" stands for "constructed".
        # We need to iterate over all atoms, not just those in pmf since
        # we are trying to partition the sample space.
        c_outcome = ctor([outcome[i] for i in indexes])

    atoms = frozenset(map(frozenset, d.values()))
    F = sigma_algebra(atoms)
    return F

def join_sigalg(dist, rvs, rv_mode=None):
    Returns the sigma-algebra of the join of random variables defined by `rvs`.

    dist : Distribution
        The distribution which defines the base sigma-algebra.
    rvs : list
        A list of lists.  Each list specifies a random variable to be
        joined with the other lists.  Each random variable can defined as a
        series of unique indexes.  Multiple random variables can use the same
        index. For example, [[0,1],[1,2]].
    rv_mode : str, None
        Specifies how to interpret the elements of `rvs`. Valid options are:
        {'indices', 'names'}. If equal to 'indices', then the elements of
        `rvs` are interpreted as random variable indices. If equal to 'names',
        the the elements are interpreted as random variable names. If `None`,
        then the value of `dist._rv_mode` is consulted.

    jsa : frozenset of frozensets
        The induced sigma-algebra of the join.

    # We require unique indexes within each random variable and want the
    # indexes in distribution order. We don't need the names.
    parse = lambda rv: parse_rvs(dist, rv, rv_mode=rv_mode,
                                 unique=False, sort=True)[1]
    indexes = [parse(rv) for rv in rvs]

    sigalgs = [induced_sigalg(dist, rv, rv_mode=RV_MODES.INDICES)
               for rv in indexes]

    # \sigma( X join Y ) = \sigma( \sigma(X) \cup \sigma(Y) )
    # Union all the sigma algebras.
    union_sa = frozenset().union(*sigalgs)
    jsa = sigma_algebra(union_sa)
    return jsa

def meet_sigalg(dist, rvs, rv_mode=None):
    Returns the sigma-algebra of the meet of random variables defined by `rvs`.

    dist : Distribution
        The distribution which defines the base sigma-algebra.
    rvs : list
        A list of lists.  Each list specifies a random variable to be
        met with the other lists.  Each random variable can defined as a
        series of unique indexes.  Multiple random variables can use the same
        index. For example, [[0,1],[1,2]].
    rv_mode : str, None
        Specifies how to interpret the elements of `rvs`. Valid options are:
        {'indices', 'names'}. If equal to 'indices', then the elements of
        `rvs` are interpreted as random variable indices. If equal to 'names',
        the the elements are interpreted as random variable names. If `None`,
        then the value of `dist._rv_mode` is consulted.

    msa : frozenset of frozensets
        The induced sigma-algebra of the meet.

    # We require unique indexes within each random variable and want the
    # indexes in distribution order. We don't need the names.
    parse = lambda rv: parse_rvs(dist, rv, rv_mode=rv_mode,
                                           unique=False, sort=True)[1]
    indexes = [parse(rv) for rv in rvs]

    sigalgs = [induced_sigalg(dist, rv, rv_mode=RV_MODES.INDICES)
               for rv in indexes]

    # \sigma( X meet Y ) = \sigma(X) \cap \sigma(Y) )
    # Intersect all the sigma algebras.
    first_sa = sigalgs[0]
    msa = first_sa.intersection(*sigalgs[1:])
    return msa

def dist_from_induced_sigalg(dist, sigalg, int_outcomes=True):
    Returns the distribution associated with an induced sigma algebra.

    The sigma algebra is induced by a random variable from a probability
    space defined by `dist`.

    dist : Distribution
        The distribution which defines the base sigma-algebra.
    sigalg : frozenset
        A sigma-algebra induced by a random variable from `dist`.
    int_outcomes : bool
        If `True`, then the outcomes of the induced distribution are relabeled
        as integers instead of the atoms of the induced sigma-algebra.

    d : ScalarDistribution
        The distribution of the induced sigma algebra.

    from dit import ScalarDistribution

    atoms = atom_set(sigalg)
    if int_outcomes:
        atoms = [sorted(atom) for atom in atoms]

    pmf = [dist.event_probability(atom) for atom in atoms]
    if int_outcomes:
        outcomes = range(len(atoms))
        # Outcomes must be sequences.
        outcomes = [tuple(sorted(atom)) for atom in atoms]

    d = ScalarDistribution(outcomes, pmf, base=dist.get_base())
    return d

[docs]def join(dist, rvs, rv_mode=None, int_outcomes=True): """ Returns the distribution of the join of random variables defined by `rvs`. Parameters ---------- dist : Distribution The distribution which defines the base sigma-algebra. rvs : list A list of lists. Each list specifies a random variable to be joined with the other lists. Each random variable can defined as a series of unique indexes. Multiple random variables can use the same index. For example, [[0,1],[1,2]]. rv_mode : str, None Specifies how to interpret the elements of `rvs`. Valid options are: {'indices', 'names'}. If equal to 'indices', then the elements of `rvs` are interpreted as random variable indices. If equal to 'names', the the elements are interpreted as random variable names. If `None`, then the value of `dist._rv_mode` is consulted. int_outcomes : bool If `True`, then the outcomes of the join are relabeled as integers instead of as the atoms of the induced sigma-algebra. Returns ------- d : ScalarDistribution The distribution of the join. """ join_sa = join_sigalg(dist, rvs, rv_mode) d = dist_from_induced_sigalg(dist, join_sa, int_outcomes) return d
[docs]def meet(dist, rvs, rv_mode=None, int_outcomes=True): """ Returns the distribution of the meet of random variables defined by `rvs`. Parameters ---------- dist : Distribution The distribution which defines the base sigma-algebra. rvs : list A list of lists. Each list specifies a random variable to be met with the other lists. Each random variable can defined as a series of unique indexes. Multiple random variables can use the same index. For example, [[0,1],[1,2]]. rv_mode : str, None Specifies how to interpret the elements of `rvs`. Valid options are: {'indices', 'names'}. If equal to 'indices', then the elements of `rvs` are interpreted as random variable indices. If equal to 'names', the the elements are interpreted as random variable names. If `None`, then the value of `dist._rv_mode` is consulted. int_outcomes : bool If `True`, then the outcomes of the meet are relabeled as integers instead of as the atoms of the induced sigma-algebra. Returns ------- d : ScalarDistribution The distribution of the meet. """ meet_sa = meet_sigalg(dist, rvs, rv_mode) d = dist_from_induced_sigalg(dist, meet_sa, int_outcomes) return d
def insert_rv(dist, idx, sigalg): """ Returns a new distribution with a random variable inserted at index `idx`. The random variable is constructed according to its induced sigma-algebra. Parameters ---------- dist : Distribution The distribution which defines the base sigma-algebra. idx : int The index at which to insert the random variable. To append, set `idx` to be equal to -1 or dist.outcome_length(). sigalg : frozenset The sigma-algebra induced by the random variable. Returns ------- d : Distribution The new distribution. """ from itertools import chain if idx == -1: idx = dist.outcome_length() if not 0 <= idx <= dist.outcome_length(): raise IndexError('Invalid insertion index.') # Provide sane sorting of atoms atoms = atom_set(sigalg) atoms = [sorted(atom) for atom in atoms] atoms.sort(key=quasilexico_key) if dist._outcome_class == str: # Then the labels for the new random variable must be strings. from string import ascii_letters, digits labels = (digits + ascii_letters)[:len(atoms)] else: labels = range(len(atoms)) # Create an index from outcomes to atoms. atom_of = {} for label, atom in zip(labels, atoms): for outcome in atom: atom_of[outcome] = label if idx == dist.outcome_length(): def new_outcome_ctor(outcome, ctor=dist._outcome_ctor): """The end of the outcome""" new_outcome = [outcome, [atom_of[outcome]]] return ctor(chain.from_iterable(new_outcome)) elif idx == 0: def new_outcome_ctor(outcome, ctor=dist._outcome_ctor): """The beginning of the outcome""" new_outcome = [[atom_of[outcome]], outcome] return ctor(chain.from_iterable(new_outcome)) else: def new_outcome_ctor(outcome, ctor=dist._outcome_ctor): """In the middle of the outcome""" new_outcome = [outcome[:idx], [atom_of[outcome]], outcome[idx:]] return ctor(chain.from_iterable(new_outcome)) d = dit.modify_outcomes(dist, new_outcome_ctor) return d
[docs]def insert_join(dist, idx, rvs, rv_mode=None): """ Returns a new distribution with the join inserted at index `idx`. The join of the random variables in `rvs` is constructed and then inserted into at index `idx`. Parameters ---------- dist : Distribution The distribution which defines the base sigma-algebra. idx : int The index at which to insert the join. To append the join, set `idx` to be equal to -1 or dist.outcome_length(). rvs : list A list of lists. Each list specifies a random variable to be met with the other lists. Each random variable can defined as a series of unique indexes. Multiple random variables can use the same index. For example, [[0,1],[1,2]]. rv_mode : str, None Specifies how to interpret the elements of `rvs`. Valid options are: {'indices', 'names'}. If equal to 'indices', then the elements of `rvs` are interpreted as random variable indices. If equal to 'names', the the elements are interpreted as random variable names. If `None`, then the value of `dist._rv_mode` is consulted. Returns ------- d : Distribution The new distribution with the join at index `idx`. """ jsa = join_sigalg(dist, rvs, rv_mode) d = insert_rv(dist, idx, jsa) return d
[docs]def insert_meet(dist, idx, rvs, rv_mode=None): """ Returns a new distribution with the meet inserted at index `idx`. The meet of the random variables in `rvs` is constructed and then inserted into at index `idx`. Parameters ---------- dist : Distribution The distribution which defines the base sigma-algebra. idx : int The index at which to insert the meet. To append the meet, set `idx` to be equal to -1 or dist.outcome_length(). rvs : list A list of lists. Each list specifies a random variable to be met with the other lists. Each random variable can defined as a series of unique indexes. Multiple random variables can use the same index. For example, [[0,1],[1,2]]. rv_mode : str, None Specifies how to interpret the elements of `rvs`. Valid options are: {'indices', 'names'}. If equal to 'indices', then the elements of `rvs` are interpreted as random variable indices. If equal to 'names', the the elements are interpreted as random variable names. If `None`, then the value of `dist._rv_mode` is consulted. Returns ------- d : Distribution The new distribution with the meet at index `idx`. """ msa = meet_sigalg(dist, rvs, rv_mode) d = insert_rv(dist, idx, msa) return d