Source code for dit.multivariate.coinformation

The co-information aka the multivariate mututal information.

from ..helpers import normalize_rvs
from ..shannon import conditional_entropy as H
from ..utils import powerset, unitful

[docs]@unitful def coinformation(dist, rvs=None, crvs=None, rv_mode=None): """ Calculates the coinformation. Parameters ---------- dist : Distribution The distribution from which the coinformation is calculated. rvs : list, None The indexes of the random variable used to calculate the coinformation between. If None, then the coinformation is calculated over all random variables. crvs : list, None The indexes of the random variables to condition on. If None, then no variables are condition on. rv_mode : str, None Specifies how to interpret `rvs` and `crvs`. Valid options are: {'indices', 'names'}. If equal to 'indices', then the elements of `crvs` and `rvs` are interpreted as random variable indices. If equal to 'names', the the elements are interpreted as random variable names. If `None`, then the value of `dist._rv_mode` is consulted, which defaults to 'indices'. Returns ------- I : float The coinformation. Raises ------ ditException Raised if `dist` is not a joint distribution or if `rvs` or `crvs` contain non-existant random variables. Examples -------- Let's construct a 3-variable distribution for the XOR logic gate and name the random variables X, Y, and Z. >>> d = dit.example_dists.Xor() >>> d.set_rv_names(['X', 'Y', 'Z']) To calculate coinformations, recall that `rvs` specifies which groups of random variables are involved. For example, the 3-way mutual information I[X:Y:Z] is calculated as: >>> dit.multivariate.coinformation(d, ['X', 'Y', 'Z']) -1.0 It is a quirk of strings that each element of a string is also an iterable. So an equivalent way to calculate the 3-way mutual information I[X:Y:Z] is: >>> dit.multivariate.coinformation(d, 'XYZ') -1.0 The reason this works is that list('XYZ') == ['X', 'Y', 'Z']. If we want to use random variable indexes, we need to have explicit groupings: >>> dit.multivariate.coinformation(d, [[0], [1], [2]], rv_mode='indexes') -1.0 To calculate the mutual information I[X, Y : Z], we use explicit groups: >>> dit.multivariate.coinformation(d, ['XY', 'Z']) Using indexes, this looks like: >>> dit.multivariate.coinformation(d, [[0, 1], [2]], rv_mode='indexes') The mutual information I[X:Z] is given by: >>> dit.multivariate.coinformation(d, 'XZ') 0.0 Equivalently, >>> dit.multivariate.coinformation(d, ['X', 'Z']) 0.0 Using indexes, this becomes: >>> dit.multivariate.coinformation(d, [[0], [2]]) 0.0 Conditional mutual informations can be calculated by passing in the conditional random variables. The conditional entropy I[X:Y|Z] is: >>> dit.multivariate.coinformation(d, 'XY', 'Z') 1.0 Using indexes, this becomes: >>> rvs = [[0], [1]] >>> crvs = [[2]] # broken >>> dit.multivariate.coinformation(d, rvs, crvs, rv_mode='indexes') 1.0 For the conditional random variables, groupings have no effect, so you can also obtain this as: >>> rvs = [[0], [1]] >>> crvs = [2] >>> dit.multivariate.coinformation(d, rvs, crvs, rv_mode='indexes') 1.0 Finally, note that entropy can also be calculated. The entropy H[Z|XY] is obtained as: >>> rvs = [[2]] >>> crvs = [[0], [1]] # broken >>> dit.multivariate.coinformation(d, rvs, crvs, rv_mode='indexes') 0.0 >>> crvs = [[0, 1]] # broken >>> dit.multivariate.coinformation(d, rvs, crvs, rv_mode='indexes') 0.0 >>> crvs = [0, 1] >>> dit.multivariate.coinformation(d, rvs, crvs, rv_mode='indexes') 0.0 >>> rvs = 'Z' >>> crvs = 'XY' >>> dit.multivariate.coinformation(d, rvs, crvs, rv_mode='indexes') 0.0 Note that [[0], [1]] says to condition on two groups. But conditioning is a flat operation and doesn't respect the groups, so it is equal to a single group of 2 random variables: [[0, 1]]. With random variable names 'XY' is acceptable because list('XY') = ['X', 'Y'], which is species two singleton groups. By the previous argument, this is will be treated the same as ['XY']. """ rvs, crvs, rv_mode = normalize_rvs(dist, rvs, crvs, rv_mode) def entropy(rvs, dist=dist, crvs=crvs, rv_mode=rv_mode): """ Helper function to aid in computing the entropy of subsets. """ return H(dist, set().union(*rvs), crvs, rv_mode=rv_mode) I = sum((-1)**(len(Xs)+1) * entropy(Xs) for Xs in powerset(rvs)) return I